The Lab

Is Olinaturis anti-wrinkle Serum an effective way for young skin? We present our opinion and verify the manufacturer’s promises.

September 17, 2024

Who is the Olinaturis serum intended for?

If you struggle with the wrinkles, you are a potential candidate for using this product. Annoying crow’s feet, lion’s wrinkles or tear trough are a clear signal to start taking care of your skin and take care of its condition.

Serum Olinaturis – works? results, side effects

What are wrinkles and what causes them?

A wrinkle is nothing more than a hollow in the skin that is the result of collagen loss and constant facial movement. Depending on how deep the damage is, wrinkles can take the form of lines, furrows or folds.

Factors in their appearance on the skin include UV radiation, hormone levels, genes, stressful lives, the passage of time and smoking. We can imagine collagen and elastin fibres as a scaffolding, which is responsible for the tension and elasticity of the skin. When collagen and elastin start to degrade over time, wrinkles appear. The rate at which wrinkles appear is not the same for everyone.

Studies prove that skin starts to age after the age of 25. Crow’s feet are the first to appear, followed by wrinkles between the eyebrows, on the forehead, and also furrows running from the mouth to the nose. Additional signs of ageing include drooping cheeks (due to loss of skin flabbiness) and a neck full of wrinkles.

Surprisingly, there are three types of wrinkles.
Mimic wrinkles, which occur naturally and are linked to facial movements.
Gravity wrinkles, which are caused by a lack of skin elasticity.
And structural ones, like those caused by too much sun exposure without SPF protection. The latter are also accompanied by numerous blemishes.

The rate at which wrinkles form is also influenced by free radicals, which are active oxygen molecules responsible for many destructive processes, nicotine in tobacco products and cortisol, a hormone produced with high levels of stress.

If you notice the first signs of wrinkles or are already struggling with them, reach for the Olinaturis serum.

Benefits of using Olinaturis serum regularly

This serum is an innovation in the cosmetic market for its proven anti-ageing properties. It’s distinguished by its carefully formulated, plant-based, natural formula. Olinaturis was created to meet the needs of mature and problematic skin that struggles with wrinkles.

Due to its rich composition, it can also be used for vascular, sensitive and acne-prone skin. Its action is to strongly moisturise and firm complexion. It improves the condition of the skin, primarily through its ability to reduce the appearance of wrinkles. When used regularly, it smoothes even deep wrinkles and prevents the appearance of imperfections. It gently restores the skin’s natural tone, so you can say goodbye to reddened cheeks.

It’s also suitable for atopic dermatitis. The serum lubricates the skin in an appropriate way, soothing blemishes and dryness. Many customers confirm that Olinaturis also helps to reduce acne scars and restores the skin to a good condition.

How to use the serum?

Simply use it once a day. It’s a moment of relaxation for you and your skin. The cosmetic is easy to use and pleasant to apply. Simply apply a few drops on the palm of your hand, warm it up by rubbing your hands together gently and then massage into your skin. There are many guides on how to massage it – regular and correctly performed massages slow down the ageing process and stimulate the skin to renew itself.

Finally, it’s recommended to gently pat the serum in and wait for it to be absorbed, especially if you use it before going to bed. You can also use your favourite cream as a finishing touch. With regular use of the serum and facial massage, you can expect spectacular results and glowing and firm skin.

When caring for your skin, pay special attention to problem areas and apply a slightly thicker layer of serum there.


Olinaturis serum – what should I bear in mind? Precautions

  • The cosmetic is intended for external use by adults.
  • It should be stored in a dry place and not exposed to sunlight.
  • If allergic reactions occur, discontinue use.

Serum Olinaturis original price, where to buy? online shop

In order to enjoy this exceptional anti-wrinkle cosmetic, we recommend that you take a look at the offer and order it from the manufacturer’s official website.

Olinaturis ingredients

The key to Olinaturis’ success is its rich, natural composition based on selected plant extracts. The substances found in the serum support the absorption of nutrients and prevent the epidermis from losing water. The full list of ingredients can be found on the manufacturer’s official website.

Serum Olinaturis review, feedback

Olinaturis is a product that enjoys very good reviews both among specialists and customers. 90% feedback is positive and is always very emotional.

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