The Lab

Does the Proctotivo libido dietary supplement really work? We did the test and we know everything

September 18, 2024

Sexual fulfillment is a particularly important and natural part of human life. Frustrations and disappointments in this sphere affect bad moods, lack of focus, nerves, and tension between partners. A frequent cause of failure during intercourse is the small size of the penis and a weak and too short erection.

Although, of course, the small size of the penis is something you can live and function with, by nature, men strive to satisfy not only their own needs but also the satisfaction of their sexual partners.

In my opinion, among the many offerings available on the market, a penis enlargement product called Proctotivo deserves special attention.

Diet supplement Proctotivo – works? results, side effects

I have noticed that Proctotivo has the effect of getting rid of many problems. Nowadays, more than half of all men face a complex about the size of their penis. Most of them do nothing to change and improve their well-being.

Firstly, this contributes to a woman’s reduced pleasure and satisfaction. Many women admit that size does matter! A large penis makes it easier for a partner to achieve orgasm and satisfaction in bed. Secondly, the small penis complex contributes to less frequent sexual initiation and lower self-esteem, a feeling of insufficient masculinity.

Many men also struggle with premature ejaculation and weak erections. These are two conditions that are strong stressors, and stress is not helpful during sexual contact and makes the situation even worse. We must try to break this vicious circle.

How does Proctotivo work?

Proctotivo has the effect of increasing testosterone levels – the hormone responsible for libido levels. It improves blood flow, which is extremely important because the penis is partly made up of corpora cavernosa, and erection relies on filling them with blood. Improved blood flow will help achieve stronger erections and increase penis size.

Proctotivo has the effect of dilating the chambers of the penis, it also causes the surrounding tissues to swell, making the penis grow in volume and size. The chambers expand permanently. Once dilated – they make the penis stay bigger. Better blood supply to the corpora cavernosa and spongiosa, which are in the penis, affects not only the strength of the erection but also the lengthening of intercourse.

Thus, Proctotivo allows pharmacological enlargement of the penis and prolongation of the erection from the first week of use.

Proctotivo ingredients

Proctotivo is a natural and safe remedy. Its efficacy is made up of substances extracted from plants that have a significant effect on increasing libido, as well as other ingredients that are a breakthrough in improving the quality of erection and blood supply to the genitals.

Advanced knowledge, in the field of male sexuality and anatomy, has been used here. The effectiveness of Proctotivo has been based on clinical studies and is confirmed by numerous certificates. The ingredients used in the product’s production are obtained safely and in accordance with all accepted standards.

Analiza składników zawartych w [BRAND]

SkładnikOpisPotwierdzenie skuteczności
Sabal Palm Fruit ExtractEkstrakt z owoców palmy sabałowej, stosowany głównie jako naturalny środek przeciwzapalny i łagodzący objawy przerostu gruczołu krokowego. Zawiera fitosterole, kwasy tłuszczowe i flawonoidy, które wspomagają zdrowie prostaty oraz zmniejszają obrzęk gruczołu krokowego.Badania kliniczne wykazały, że sabal palm fruit extract może przynieść ulgę w objawach przerostu gruczołu krokowego, takich jak trudności z oddawaniem moczu, częste oddawanie moczu w nocy oraz ból i dyskomfort w okolicy prostaty. Ponadto, substancje zawarte w ekstrakcie mogą działać przeciwzapalnie i przeciwbakteryjnie, co korzystnie wpływa na zdrowie dróg moczowych.

Należy pamiętać, że powyższe informacje mają charakter wyłącznie informacyjny i nie zastępują porady lekarskiej. Przed rozpoczęciem stosowania jakiegokolwiek suplementu diety należy skonsultować się z lekarzem lub farmaceutą.

The full list of ingredients can be found on the manufacturer’s official website.

Supplement Proctotivo review, feedback

Proctotivo is a product that enjoys very good reviews both among specialists and customers. 90% feedback is positive and is always very emotional.

Diet supplement Proctotivo original price, where to buy? online shop

Proctotivo is a remedy that is best and safest purchased from the official website of the manufacturer, which guarantees the safety of the ingredients used in its production and its effectiveness.

Importantly, ordering the remedy online guarantees discretion. The box, which will be delivered to your home, is devoid of any graphics, logos, or inscriptions suggesting the contents of the parcel. It’s just a grey cardboard box, wrapped in plain brown adhesive tape.

No one needs to know that you are planning to improve your sex life and the comfort of having a bigger penis.

Is Proctotivo worth buying?

In my opinion YES!
You don’t have to torment yourself with complexes and condemn yourself to frustration due to unsuccessful sex. Indulge yourself and take matters into your own hands. You can influence the size of your penis and significantly prolong your erection. Premature ejaculation or erection problems are embarrassing topics for men.
Unnecessary stress and nerves do not help in an intimate situation, which should be associated only with pleasant sensations.

Thanks to Proctotivo, it is possible to increase testosterone levels, and increase blood flow through the genitals, thanks to which the size of the penis increases, thus leading to prolonged pleasure not only for you but also for the other person.

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